Sury, married July 2022

None of this would have been possible without Love, Inshallah.

  • Me and my husband met through Love, inshallah. He wanted Islamic guidance through the process as it is a life-changing decision - with whom you will complete your deen. The service was incredible. Personal preferences were given attention and we were advised along the process. I decided to get married to him after 3 months and by now we have been married for 2 years and I have not regretted my decision for a second. Through dua, istikhara, and Love, inshallah we found Love, Alhamdulillah.

Anonymous, married August 2019

Signing up with Love, Inshallah was one of the smartest decisions I ever made.”

  • “Signing up with Love, Inshallah was one of the the smartest decisions I ever made. I must admit I was a bit reluctant at first, I had never worked with a matchmaker before. But after finishing our first phone convo, I was surprised at how relaxed I felt. I trusted Hoda, and boy did she come through for me. There is not much to say other than everything moved super fast once I was introduced to the love of my life. It felt like we knew each other for years. And now, I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together. I will forever be grateful to Hoda.”

Aya Zouhri, married July 2018

So happy with the way everything worked out.

  • “OMG Aya I think I found someone for you, I can't believe I didn't think of him before!" A few months prior to this conversation, I had mentioned to Hoda that I was open to being set up in case someone she though was a good fit for me came across her radar. While visiting her sister in Seattle, she came across my now fiance and saw that we might be compatible. After checking with him to see if he was both single and interested in marriage, Hoda gave him a basic rundown of who I am and helped us to exchange contact information. Within 4 months of our first conversation, we were engaged and we'll be having our wedding in July InshAllah. I'm so grateful for Hoda's matchmaking skills, and so happy with the way everything worked out Alhamdulillah!

Mimrah Hossain, married November 2017

Love, Inshallah has a large network of people.

  • “When I say Hoda has a good eye when it comes to matchmaking, it’s no joke. She’s always been known as someone in our community who’s tried to put people together and successfully has several times already mA. Love, Inshallah also has a large network of people which makes it easy for her to connect two people who aren't in the same location. I would highly recommend investing in her services because you are investing in the rest of your life and your other half!

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